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Ecmo the little Pocket Bat

Introducing Ecmo, the little pocket bat. A little pal to keep you company even in the most scary of situations.

Ecmo has a soft spot in our heart and this is why…

When our daughter was in PICU she ended up on Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). For nearly two weeks due to her lungs not being able to provide her with the oxygen she needed she was on this machine. During this time she had with her a little bat toy called Echo which helped the nurses to hold up the wires and tubes that were keeping her alive. The little bat toy with her during this time was nicknamed Ecmo rather than called by the name given to him.

The nurses, physiotherapists and doctors at Evelina saved her life and we will always be grateful for all the hard work and round the clock care that she received.

This is why we have decided that from every sale of little Ecmo, £2.50 will be donated to the Evelina Children’s Hospital.

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